210,522 (17.8%)
962,733 (81.4%)
9,855 (0.8%)
The data is as of Wednesday August 04, 2021 and the dashboard has been updated on Friday August 06, 2021.
To download the data, just click on the preferred formatted button on the top of this page
The Coronavirus Dashboard: the case of Malaysia
This Coronavirus dashboard: the case of Malaysia provides an overview of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic for Malaysia. This dashboard is built with R using the R Makrdown framework and was adapted from this dashboard by Rami Krispin.
The code behind this dashboard is available on GitHub.
The input data for this dashboard is the dataset available from the {coronavirus}
R package. Make sure to download the development version of the package to have the latest data:
The data and dashboard are refreshed on a daily basis at 6PM (Asia/Pacific time).
The raw data is pulled from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) Coronavirus repository.
Information and contact
More information about this dashboard and how to replicate it for your own country can be found in this article.
For any question or feedback, you can contact me.
The data is as of Wednesday August 04, 2021 and the dashboard has been updated on Friday August 06, 2021.